To Love in Action and in Truth - Beyond Words
Let us not love of word, but in action and truth,
and against racism and racial discrimination. It is the practice, a daily exercise in resistance, of permanent decolonization, to not be conformed by our progress, to nor forget those who went before us in the struggle, to affirm daily, from our Black identities, our right to a decent and full life.
Show with actions that you respect every human being. Do not imitate patterns of exclusion and prejudice, twisted and absurd, that undervalue and labels the other. If you say you know how to love, LOVE. True love does not admit an iota of mockery against your neighbor. Beyond the color of our skin, the essence of being a good and harmonious creation of God unites us. In the same way that you value, love and take care of yourself do for others, and your actions will speak for you.
Let us not love of word, but in concrete actions.
“It is incoherent to journey this Lenten season without fasting injustice, without entering Holy Week with the sensitivity to acknowledge the historic pain and the legacy of struggle born by Black peoples.”
To learn about the struggle for the rights of Black peoples is a way to support us, even if you are not Black. We should struggle to no end for equality, liberty and dignity for all persons.
Let us not love of word, but in action and truth.
It is a constant invitation from God to celebrate the diversity that inhabits us, to remove every form of discrimination in our language and in our daily actions: rejection, disenfranchisement, discredit, stereotypes are all nails with which we crucify Jesus today. It is incoherent to journey this Lenten season without fasting injustice, without entering Holy Week with the sensitivity to acknowledge the historic pain and the legacy of struggle born by Black peoples. To love us in action and truth means to be coherent in that journey of struggle for the rights and dignified life of every person, the life that Jesus promised and affirmed in the cross of Calvary.
Let us not love of word, but in action and truth.
The great truth of our lives is the immeasurable love of God manifested fully. That love is incompatible with exclusion and discrimination. No one that says to have Jesus in their hearts can at the same time move aside, undervalue, or reject another person because of the color of their skin or any other reason. It does not matter where you learned it from, you must confront your biases. Allow yourself to be healed by the spirit of life. Be set free. Love in concrete ways. Remove barriers that kill others and ruin your spirit. Let renewed blood run through your veins, full of the love that the good God placed in you.
a translation of words originally shared in the audio above (in Spanish) by Voces Ecuménicas Cubanas, in the voice and authorship of Yordanys Martínez, Tirisay Durán Martínez, Celia Elena Águila Acosta, Sarahí García Gómez, and Izett Samá Hernández.